
Tiger | KIDS TKD AGE 4-9

Taewondo_KIDS_18-300x240Tiger Kids Taekwondo class is best for children ages of 4 to 9.

The duration of this particular class is 45 minutes. The methods used in the Tiger class program consists of teaching confidence, self discipline and control as they learn how to act and react to the world around them. Our Tiger class students are treated with respect and are taught to return the same respect towards others. The instructors teach our students the values of making goals and working to meet them. This will help them become more successful in all areas of their life. The students achieve their goals and are tested regularly; their progress will be assessed by an instructor.

Junior | Youth TKD age 9-13

This is a Taekwondo youth class for teenager age from 10 to 13. This class is bridge class between Tiger class and Adult TKD class. Class is 50 minutes duration it is intense and requires good concentration level.